Besides your sponsorship investment, you can also help us deliver the dream to even more precious folks and animal friends through the donation of supplies, services and/or equipment that are needed to keep our movement strong. Should you be able to help us with any of these items (new or almost new) or if you would like to donate your time to help us secure these items, please contact the River Ranch at Texas Horse Park office at 469-804-2660. With your donation of any item on this list, you actively become a part of our mission to assist children, families and other charitable groups that look to us for support and opportunities.
Now in existence for nearly 20 years, River Ranch Educational Charities (RREC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that has served over 250,000 children and their families with free community and educational events, provided over 1000 scholarship services, and donated over $1.7M in goods and services to those in need.
As a non-profit operator at the Texas Horse Park equestrian center, RREC’s primary focal point is to provide equine and nature related scholarships and experiences to at-risk, underserved, and marginalized communities in the surrounding Dallas areas.
In-kind gifts are contributions of goods or services, other than cash.
Examples of in-kind gifts include:
Goods, like computers, software, furniture, and office equipment (refer to list above for specific needs)
Services, photocopy and mail services, and administrative/financial support
Expertise, like legal, tax, or business advice; marketing and website development; and strategic planning
Cash equivalents, like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds
In addition to individuals, generous corporations and businesses are a common source of in-kind gifts. If you haven’t given to River Ranch Educational Charities yet, an in-kind donation is a great way to start a relationship with a wonderful charity!
Copyright 2025 – River Ranch Educational Charities – All Rights Reserved.